Distinguished actress turned businesswoman recently caused quite a stir with a Photoshopped image shared on Instagram. While announcing new products for her brands, questions arose regarding her image's authenticity. In tandem, Kensington Palace gave an update on the Princess of Wales' health status.
A Businesswoman’s Announcement
This prominent actress, who launched her company in 2021, is expanding her product offering. She recently took to Instagram to announce four new additions to her brands @bettybuzz and @bettybooze. The new additions bring exciting flavors to the table with Sparkling Oak Smoked Lemonade and Sparkling Apple Ginger Sour Cherry being the standout options.
Controversy over a Photoshopped Image
As part of the announcement, the actress shared an image on Instagram that later garnered controversy. The image was found to be digitally altered, causing several photo agencies to pull it from their platforms. This prompted a public apology from the actress on Twitter, expressing regret for the confusion caused by the image's alteration.
Kensington Palace’s Royal Health Update
Meanwhile, Kensington Palace has been closely guarding the Princess of Wales' privacy. Well-known for being out of the public eye since Christmas Day 2023 due to an abdominal surgery, updates on her health have been scarce. The Palace has emphasized her desire for privacy concerning her medical information and has assured that updates will only be released when there is significant new information to share.
Despite the privacy, there is news about the Duchess's return to her royal duties. After her recovery period post-surgery, she is expected to be back in action after the Easter Weekend.